Brand , price and value

Was at a well known "branded" ice cream parlour yesterday. When I was trying to cherish my favorite ice cream scoop, I found that the taste or the flavor was not so good.

With little thought I could understand the reason behind this.

I had stopped frequenting this parlour and have been visiting a local brand parlour for some time now. This local chain offers a wide range of flavors with umpteen number of top up options. .The pricing  at the local parlor should be  around 30% cheaper compared to the other shop. The quality of the product and the taste I have been used to in the local  parlor had raised my expectation benchmark. ( Reason for the current visit to 'global brand' shop , being not so exciting )
The local chain offers value and quality much better than the "Global" brand.

Since an option was available and the product consumed was a food item, I could easily recognize the value of the local brand . Hence started questioning as to why the consumers are paying 30% extra for a relatively inferior quality. ( The local parlor was relatively less crowded.The parlors are quite close to each other. so it is definitely not a question of accessibility or location)

But many a times as consumers , we are blind folded by the brand and make wrong choices ( Thanks to the millions and billions that flow into branding and advertising). Such brand manic mistakes made on our big budget purchases  can prove to be very costly.

I am not advocating against brands.All I have to say is quality , cost and value of the product or service in question need to looked into before we make any purchase.

Unless we want to consciously show off  at any cost or have  extra-ordinary wealth to do that , BRAND mania is definitely an addiction which requires treatment!

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